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QCT-2A vacuum cleaner tester

Author:admin Source:未知 Date:2011-12-14 11:29:03 Hits: Tags:vacuum cleaner tester

QCT-2A vacuum cleaner tester

QCT-2A vacuum cleaner tester
This machine is applied to vacuum cleaner type motor. Its LCD shows all technical data which obtained by industrial control computer, which check and verify the quality of testing stator.
Machine specification:
1.American standard(ASTM-558)
Testing way :install the vacuum cleaner to surge tank as per ASTM-F558 standard, make the surge tank air inlet to turntable type with 16 kinds air inlet size as per ASTM standard. Test the edge pore plate from big to small as per pore diameter, and record suction force h and input power wi. All the data can get within 10s of putting into edge orifice, before replacing next plate, let the vacuum cleaner open porthole and work 1-2 minutes. Test the vacuum degree H, input current I, input power P1 and power factor cosΦ value of different air inlet through vacuum degree transmitter, and figure out the air volume value Q and suction power PS ,  efficiency  η of concerning point as per F558 standard, list concerning data of each point through computer. And draw out follow characteristic curve:
On the characteristic curve, extend Hs curve to intersect with Q axis, when vacuum degree is 0 at intersection point Qm, find out the air volume value from curve.
Vacuum degree(Max) H——when Q=0, H value
Air volume(Max) ——when H=0,Q value
Suction power(max) Psm——Ps,the highest point value
Efficiency point(max) ηm——the highest point of η
Rated input power Pm——count at Pm=0.5(Pf+Pi)
2. Europe standard (IEC60312-B)
Testing way: install the series motor and vacuum cleaner to the surge tank, make the motor inhale the wind through adding rated voltage, change the pore plate size of surge tank from maximum to locked, change 10 times evenly(random if manual). Test vacuum degree H of each point, Correct the vacuum cleaner to standard status, then vertical to across axis Q marked line, get Q value, input P1 power, input current I1 and power factor cosΦ value, form a continuous curve after testing 10 points, the point that Q value point upward to intersect with input power, input current and power factor cosΦ value is suction power Ps and efficiency η, list concerning data of each point through computer. And draw out follow characteristic curve:
On the characteristic curve, extend Hs curve to intersect with Q axis, when vacuum degree is 0 at intersection point Qm, find out the air volume value from curve.
Vacuum degree(Max) H——when Q=0, H value
Air volume(Max) ——when H=0,Q value
Suction power(max) Psm——Ps,the highest point value
Efficiency point(max) ηm——the highest point of η
2.Attached software
1.Each item testing program;
2. Threshold set and change program
3.Item set and shield program.
4. data statistical analysis display program.
5. report graph print program.(English and chinese)
6.Testing data search program.
7.Model input and program save
8.Auto collection and labor input collection two methods.
9.Set the time control clearance respectively.
10.Get the average value and instantaneous value from data respectively.
(1).Vacuum cleaner air performance data test board;
(2).Vacuum cleaner use series motor air performance data test board.
11.Preheating time, blinding pore time, testing time and opening pore time can set randomly(for each pore).

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